Home Energy Efficiency Tips For Earth Day
Seasonal Tips | April 16, 2018
Earth Day, an event recognizing & supporting environmental change and protection, is held annually on April 22. It’s celebrated around the world by people planting trees, reducing waste and standing up for the most important environmental causes.
We invite you to celebrate Earth Day with Gutterman Services by practicing these 9 simple tips. Together we can help the planet, reduce your bills and save energy at home!
- Seal air leaks and insulate – This is an easy way to reduce energy waste and is estimated to save up to 20% on electric bills
- Use a programmable thermostat – Properly programmed, it can save up to 10% on annual cooling and heating costs
- Clean or change furnace filters regularly – A dirty filter will slow down air flow and make the system work harder to keep you warm
- Change your lightbulbs – Reduce energy by using energy-efficient halogen incandescents, compact fluorescents and LEDs
- Consider installing motion-sensored lights – These will automatically turn on when you enter a room and automatically turn off when no movement is detected. Using a timer system for lighting also works well to enforce turning off lights when they aren’t needed
- Look for the Energy Star label – This is the government’s symbol of energy efficiency and can be found on a wide range of consumer products. Using these types of product can help you save up to 30% on related electricity bills
- Use your window blinds – Use blinds to block out the sun’s summer heat and open them in the winter for natural warmth
- Install new windows – Your windows not only affect the overall aesthetic of your home, they are crucial to energy efficiency. According to Energy Star you can save $126–$465 a year when replacing your windows. You can view Gutterman Service’s window replacement by clicking here.
- Replace a drafty door – An old, uninsulated and/or improperly air sealed door can contribute significantly to air leakage, which causes the waste of energy. If you have older doors in your home, replacing them might be a good investment, resulting in lower heating and cooling costs.
You can view Gutterman Services’s door selection by clicking here.
Lastly, here are 9 simple ways to conserve water, energy and reduce your water bill:
- Wash clothes in cold water
- Use low-flow faucets and shower heads
- Turn off the sink while brushing your teeth
- Take shorter showers
- Avoid taking hot baths
- Limit the water use when washing dishes
- If your dishwasher has an economy setting, use it to save both electricity and water
- Let your pots and pans air dry or towel dry
- Reduce your water heater’s temperature to 130° F
Spring is a great time to make some changes around your home. By following these simple practices you can conserve energy and save money! Happy Earth Day!